McArthur Health Support employs Registered Nurses who are passionate in assisting people to live a better life, by supporting their disability and/or subsequent chronic health needs to achieve as much as possible. Our RN’s come from various backgrounds and specialities within the industry, enabling the service to adapt to the many differences in supports that may be required. All staff hold a current registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and have achieved a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment as a minimum.

Supporting Better Lives
When a person is referred for services with McArthur Health Support, a Registered Nurse undertakes a comprehensive assessment of the person’s Health Support needs. This individualised information provides the platform to develop a Health Plan document used to interpret evidence-based procedures to develop the best possible delivery of support, thereby meeting and exceeding desired needs.
How McArthur Health Support gets things done.
A comprehensive assessment of individual Health Support needs.
McArthur Health Support Registered Nurses will assist the support worker to understand the theoretical and practical application of this need. We will work together with the person being supported to ensure evidenced, competent delivery of the very best in supportive care.
Our Support Procedure and Training materials are benchmarked against current international research in health care and we are a subscriber to the Joanna Briggs Institute through the Ovid Data Base of Wolters Kluwer.
McArthur Health Support Registered Nurses provide training through the delegated care model, ensuring current evidenced based best practice for your team and clients.
We provide the very best in supported training to ensure you have choice and control.
Support Coordinators
We form a relationship with your chosen support coordinator to ensure your desires are heard and implemented
We are an NDIS registered service provider, and can assist the participant in ensuring Quality and Safety around their support, regardless of how their plan is managed.
Other Funding Bodies
We ensure the necessary systems and processes, in providing this model of support, meet and exceed the criteria accountability.
Family and Advocates
We understand they are vital parts of the team in ensuring that all requirements are heard and met.
Care Agencies Support Workers
We provide training and support by Registered Nurses who understand the task of delegation of care to unlicensed health support workers. McArthur Health Support recognises the AHPRA Nursing Standards relevant to this process and accountability.
Allied Health Professionals & Therapists
We form a multi-disciplined team to coordinate all care requirements as a whole not separate pieces of a puzzle.
GP and Medical Health Professionals
We form a relationship with everyone who is important in ensuring all your health requirements are included.