Safeguarding you

At McArthur Community Care, as a registered NDIS provider and ISO Quality accredited since 1996, we are deeply committed to ensuring the safety, well-being, and empowerment of all our participants. Our safeguarding framework is designed to protect and promote the rights of people with disability, ensuring they receive high-quality supports and services in a safe and respectful environment.

Respect and Dignity:

We treat all participants with the utmost respect and dignity, valuing their individuality and promoting their independence.

Privacy and Confidentiality:

We rigorously protect the privacy and confidentiality of our participants' information, in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles and the NDIS Code of Conduct.

Quality Services:

We are dedicated to providing high-quality services that meet the needs and preferences of our participants. Our staff are trained and competent, ensuring they deliver supports safely and effectively.

Participant Involvement:

We actively involve participants in decisions affecting their supports and services, encouraging feedback and co-designing personalised plans that reflect their goals and aspirations.

Complaints and Feedback:

We have a straightforward, accessible complaints and feedback system. We treat all complaints seriously, responding promptly and taking action to address concerns and prevent recurrence.

Risk Management:

We proactively identify, assess, and manage risks to participants, staff, and the broader community, ensuring a safe and secure environment for everyone.

Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continuous improvement, regularly reviewing and enhancing our policies, procedures, and practices to align with best practices and regulatory requirements.

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